Invited Speaker

  Jun Jin, University of Alberta, Canada

Biodata: Dr. Jun Jin is an assistant professor in the ECE department at the University of Alberta and a Fellow of the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii), one of the three prominent AI centers (Amii, Vector, Mila) in Canada. His research focuses on robotic reinforcement learning, which intersects with embodied artificial intelligence, the theory of predictive coding, and open-ended learning agents. His work on real-world robotic reinforcement learning was a top-3-finalist of the Outstanding Student Paper Award at ICRA 2022, which is the flagship conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. He was the recipient of the KUKA Innovation Award global top-5 finalist and invited to live demos at Hannover Messe 2018. Prior to his academic career, he accrued eight years of professional experience in the ICT and construction/mining industries.