IRCE 2023 | Jilin, China

2023 The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Control Engineering (IRCE 2023) was successfully held in Jilin, China during August 4-6, 2023. This conference  was co-sponsored by Northeast Electric Power University, China, IEEE and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, hosted by Jilin Provincial Interrnational Joint Research Center of Precision Drive & Intelligent Control and School of Automation Engineering,Northeast Electric Power University, China, patrons are Northeastern University, China, Concordia University, Canada, Tianjin University, China and Northwest Minzu University, China etc.. Special appreciation extends to all keynote & invited speakers, committee members, and participants. Let's share the excellent moment together.
第六届智能机器人与控制工程国际会议(IRCE 2023)于2023年8月4-6日在中国吉林省吉林市義德源大酒店顺利召开。 大会由东北电力大学、IEEE、IEEE RAS共同主办,吉林省精密驱智能控制国际联合研究中心、东北电力大学自动化工程学院承办,东北大学、康考迪亚大学、天津大学、西北民族大学等高校和单位提供学术支持。 为期三天的会议聚焦智能机器人、自动化和控制工程等相关领域,包含了3个主旨报告、3场特邀分会共计25个特邀报告、线上线下7场分会、1场学生竞赛报告,为相关领域学界业界提供了一个优秀的交流平台,在热烈的学术氛围中聚焦前沿技术,探讨展示最新研究成果。

Group Photo


Accepted, registered and presented papers were published in IRCE conference proceedings with ISBN: 979-8-3503-2632-1. Successfully online, included in IEEE Xplore (Click) and indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS.

Enjoy the Conference

8月5日上午九点二十分,大会迎来开幕式。东北电力大学曹生现教授主持了开幕式,东北电力大学副校长孙灵芳教授致欢迎辞,介绍了东北电力大学的悠久历史和在相关领域的研究成果、最新进展,并欢迎大家来到美丽的吉林,盛情邀请大家共赏长白山美景。 加拿大康考迪亚大学苏春翌教授致开幕辞,向大家概述了大会的基本介绍、组织过程以及参会情况,热情宣布大会正式开始。

Prof. Lingfang Sun, Vice President, Northeast Electric Power University, China

Prof. Chun-Yi Su, Concordia University, Canada


开幕式后的大会主旨报告分别由东北电力大学张秀宇教授和中国地质大学(武汉)吴俊东教授主持。东北大学柴天佑教授、墨西哥国立理工大学余文教授以及瑞典皇家理工学院Danica Kragic教授先后做了精彩的主旨报告。

Prof. Tianyou Chai, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Northeastern University, China 柴天佑教授,中国工程院院士,东北大学
Title: Industrial Metaverse-based Intelligent PID Tuning System for Complex Industrial Processes

Prof. Wen Yu, CINVESTAV-IPN (National Polytechnic Institute), Mexico
Title: Model-Free Optimal PD Control for Robots Using Deep Learning Methods

Prof. Danica Kragic, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Title: Representation Learning for Robotics Tasks


大会设置3场特邀报告:"人工肌肉"、"主动视觉和交互"、 "微驱动系统的建模与控制"。25位优秀的教授为参会者们带来了精彩的报告及分享。


Zunfeng Liu, Nankai University, China
Kun Dai, Zhengzhou University, China
Jiangtao Di, SINANO, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yi Li, Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Pengbo Wan, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
Yu Dang, Nankai University, China
Zhigang Xia, Wuhan Textile University, China
Luzhuo Chen, Fujian Normal University, China
Shengjie Ling, ShanghaiTech University, China
Shengtong Sun, Donghua University, China
Xiang Zhou, China Pharmaceutical University, China
Lihui Wang, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, China
王立辉, 广东省科学院
Hiromasa Oku, Gunma University, Japan
Dongyue Chen, Northeastern University, China
陈东岳, 东北大学
Yoshihiro Watanabe, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Tong Jia, Northeastern University, China
贾同, 东北大学
Tomohiko Hayakawa, Tokyo University of Science, Japan / The University of Tokyo, Japan
早川智彦, 东京理科大学 / 东京大学
Zhenzhong Liu, Tianjin University of Technology, China
Yanfang Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Yonghua Liu, Guangdong University of Technology, China
Weinan Gao, Northeastern University, China
Qingxin Meng, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China
Ying Zhang, Northeastern University, China
Yunlang Xu, Fudan University, China
Weikai Jiang, Guangzhou Haoyang Electronics Co.,Ltd., China



Lab Visit


Best Student Paper  

☆ Paper Title: Modeling and Implicit Inversion of Butterfly Hysteresis in Dielectric Elastomer Actuated System
☆ Presenter: Hongzhi Xu, Northeastern University, China
☆ Authors: Hongzhi Xu, Xiuyu Zhang, Zhihan Xu and Zhi Li


Best Oral Presentation Winners  

Session 1
Anti-Disturbance Control for PEMFC Air Supply Systems with Input Quantization
Nana Fan, Yuanhang Zhang, Xiaoyu Guo, Zhixiang Wang and Chenliang Wang
Beihang University, China
☆ Session 2
A Dielectric Elastomer Actuator with Ultrahigh Energy Density
Wei Yu, Shuaichuang Hua, Chuizhou Meng and Shijie Guo
Hebei University of Technology, China
☆ Session 3
Adaptive Hybrid Neural Network Sliding Mode Control of Ultrasonic Motors
Xinqiang Wang, Yunlang Xu, Chenyang Ding and Xinyi Su
Fudan University, China
☆ Session 4
Improved Mode-free Adaptive Control for Piezoelectric Micro-positioning Platform
Tiannan Li, Yewei Yu, Chen Zhang and Miaolei Zhou
Jilin University, China
☆ Session 5
S-shape Soft Robot Based on Pvdf/Copper Bilayer Structure
Weilei Mu, Erdong Chen, Yiduo Yang, Mengjiao Li, Binghang Li and Rong Yin
Ocean University of China, China
☆ Online Session A
Enhancing Cruise Performance Through PID Controller Tuned with Particle Swarm Optimization Technique
Nema Salem, Rana Hassan and Lina Almuthanna
Effat University, Saudi Arabia
☆ Online Session B
Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping with Fiducial Markers Based on Extended Kalman Filter
Yichen Liang, Alexandru Stancu and Zhixin Zhang
The University of Manchester, UK